Want to improve your Kafka projects cost efficiency & performance? Download our free eBook
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Published June 13, 2024

Apache Kafka has become an essential component in data streaming and processing architectures due to its high throughput and scalability. However, as organizations scale up their Kafka usage, they often encounter challenges such as partition rebalancing across different brokers.

The Challenges of Partition Rebalancing in Kafka Brokers and Effective Monitoring Strategies
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Published October 11, 2023

Distributed transaction tracing (DTT) is a way of following the progress of message requests as they permeate through distributed cloud environments. Tracing the transactions as they make their way through many different layers of the application stack, such as from Kafka to ActiveMQ to MQ or any similar platform, is achieved by tagging the message request with a unique identifier that allows it to be followed.

Delivering Distributed Transaction Tracing Across Integration MESH
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Published June 5, 2020

RemoraJ is an open source Java byte code instrumentation agent designed to help developers profile running Java apps with little overhead.


The focal point of RemoraJ is to provide visibility into what's coming in and out of your java app by tracking calls such as HTTP, JDBC, JMS, WebSocket, IO Streams, Kafka and other inter JVM/IPC communications.

Profile Java Apps with RemoraJ
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Published May 28, 2020

I thought I’d share our experiences of running Solr in production. So far Solr 6.6.6 has been very stable provided GC, memory and other system resources are carefully managed. Here are some of the technical details which I hope will be useful to anyone considering this platform.

Running Solr 6.6 in Production
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Published May 12, 2020

1. Poor thread model where there is too much inter-thread synchronization or blocking on a common resource. Many developers overuse synchronized sections which slows down overall throughput.


10 Reasons Your Java Apps are slow
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Published April 27, 2020

When developers create a middleware messaging connection between apps, they may choose to do so without encryption, to keep things fast and simple.

Often apps rely on middleware level encryption which secures data in transit between middleware hubs (brokers).

3 Reasons Your Middleware is Compromised
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Published October 18, 2018

BTM or Business Transaction Management vs. Business Transaction Performance - two terms aimed to describe the current state of the affairs in what Gartner calls Transaction Profiling.


Ever since I came across the term BTM I questioned whether the term actually reflects what vendors do in this space.

transaction tracking