4 main use cases for RemoraJ – The Open Source Java APM Agent from Nastel

1. Performance analysis for 3rd party Java software
- Deploy agent into 3rd party java apps, capture traces and see where the bottlenecks are
2. Vendors who ship Java apps for on-premise & cloud deployments.
- Customer complains about your java app performance. What do you do? Java app logs will have limited performance information. Shipping RemoraJ with your app helps vendors troubleshoot complex performance issues quickly
- You can’t request your customer to purchase a profiler to troubleshoot your app. Turn RemoraJ agent on during a performance problem, capture traces, have your customer send them and use trace logs directly or analytics tools like Nastel XRay or ELK to troubleshoot your app
3. Open source Java APM and transaction tracking
- You are running ELK as your log and machine data analytics platform.
Supercharge your open source analytics with Java APM traces by sending RemoraJ java IPC traces directly into your ELK stack - Turn your open source log analytics platform into an APM/AIOps platform
4. Use RemoraJ with Nastel XRay right out of the box and gain visibility into Java performance and transactions in minutes
- No changes or coding required
- Java APM in 10 minutes flat
If you want to try RemoraJ right now, click here!